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20979 Network Leadership (graduate course across Master's programs, Autumn 2024)

  • Course Handouts To Be Covered:  
    1. Brokerage: The Network Structure of Competitive Advantage
    2. Harvesting Value: Brokerage in Practice
    3. Closure: Trust, Reputation, Guanxi, and Ignorant Certainty
    4. Partners: Managing Gossip-Enforced Barriers to Coordination
    5. Network Diagnostics: Pre-Strategy Making and Analyzing a Network Map
    6. Bent Preferences: Network-Induced Motivation
    7. Balance: Finding a Balance Between Brokerage and Closure
    8. After covering the above handouts, we shift in the remaining time to classic studies.
  • Course Handouts Already Covered:  
    1. None so far.